Drive More Business with Reviews

Unlock the Power of GoSite to generate more reviews & increase your online presence - no tech experience required 😉

The Ultimate Review Request Template for Your Small Business

Read on for more.

Gillian Wilson
Gillian Wilson
5 min read

Customer reviews --- they can make or break your business. But how do  you even get customers to leave reviews the first place? We've put together the ultimate review request template to help your small business to ask for customer reviews.

Picture this.

You and your family are on a socially-distant camping trip, and you realize you forget to pack a gas burner for your stove.

Cooking over the fire would take hours. Luckily, you're close enough to civilization, and decide to search for a general stores in the area.

Nothing is coming up, so it's time for plan B. Looks like your family is having pizza. So you search again and notice a cluster of pizza places nearby on Google Maps.

How do you decide which restaurant to order from? You'll probably look at price and distance, but the thing that you'll really pay attention to -- customer reviews and those shinny stars underneath a business name.

Just about
82 percent of consumers read reviews for local businesses, including 93 percent of people aged 35-54. So how do you go about getting happy customers to leave reviews?

Fear not, we've got some templates for you.


Every Kind of Review Request Template You’ll Ever Need

About 76 percent of consumers that are asked to leave a review go on to write one. The ball is in your court, if you want reviews, you are going to have to ask for them. 

The Basic Review Request (generic template)

We'll start with the obvious -- the basic review request. It's best to stick with something simple, show appreciation for their time, include the link, and then send. 

Generic Review Request Template


Thank you for choosing [YOUR BUSINESS NAME].

We value your opinion and want to hear from you. Would you be willing to take a moment to leave us a review? Here’s the link: [LINK TO REVIEW PLATFORM].

Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to help us, we appreciate you and hope to see you again soon!

Best regards,


The Link To Feedback Survey Review

Many businesses skip asking for reviews because they're worried they wont get favorable marks. Maybe they've been burned by a bad review before? 

The Link to Feedback survey is a great tool. First, you'll send your customer a quick one-question survey asking how they enjoyed their experience with your business. If they are happy, you can route them to google or another site for a full review. If they indicate there is room for improvement, you can settle that matter with the customer directly.

Link to Feedback Template


Let us know how we did! Our goal is to continue offering top-notch service that our customers love. The best way to do that is to get feedback directly from the source: You.

Please take a moment to complete the feedback survey. Here’s the link: [LINK TO FEEDBACK SURVEY].

We appreciate you taking time out of your day to help us improve our services! We hope to see you again soon.

Thank you,


The All-in-One Google Review Request

We cannot talk about the ultimate review request template without talking about Google My Business(GMB). If anything has stood the test of time, it's Google My Business.

GMB is a free tool that lets you create a business profile, which allows you to manage how your business appears on Google Search and Maps.

Also, fun fact, if you're interested in claiming your GMB, you can do so through GoSite's Free Trial.

Google Review Request Template


We want to hear from you! Will you take a moment to jot down some feedback about your recent experience with us on our Google Business Page [GMB REVIEW LINK]?

Please feel free to give us a call if you have questions, concerns, or wish to provide immediate feedback about your [PRODUCT/SERVICE PURCHASED]. We always want to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Thank you for your time and business!



The Facebook Review Request

Facebook Reviews are key to your success. The strategy here differs a bit. Try asking people that already follow you -- your fans -- to drop a quick review. After all, they're following you for a reason, and have most likely used your product or service before.

You can even ask for reviews through Facebook Messenger.

Facebook Review Request Template


Thanks for choosing [YOUR BUSINESS NAME]! We hope you enjoyed your recent experience with us. It’s our top priority to continue providing the best service to customers like you, and the most effective way for us to improve is through customer feedback.

Please take a moment to leave a Facebook review for us. Here’s the link [LINK TO FACEBOOK REVIEW].

Please let us know if you are unsatisfied with [PRODUCT/SERVICE]. We’d be happy to give you a call to hear your concerns and work out a solution together.

Thank you again for your business and your time, and we hope to see you again soon!

Best regards,


And there you have it. With these templates in hand, you can become a review generating machine.

Keep in mind that these templates are examples of what you can send when asking for a review. You can mix and match and customize them in a way that makes the most sense for your business. You can also switch the review link and put in one for Yelp, TripAdvisor, Yahoo Local and whatever other review sites you wish to use.

If you're interested in learning more, you can check out get reviews

Have you used any of these templates? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

Gillian Wilson
Gillian Wilson
Does Your Business Need a Website?
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