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Why Your Business Needs a Cloud CRM

Written by GoSite | Feb 8, 2020 3:00:00 PM

Does your business use cloud computing? 

The concept might sound abstract or futuristic. But in truth, cloud computing is already embedded in our daily lives. If you've opened a Google doc, saved a file to Dropbox or saved a photo on Facebook, you've spent time in the cloud. 

But how does cloud computing work, and why do businesses choose it? In short, the cloud allows users to store and access information, then access it via the internet. Instead of maintaining local servers or hard drives, external servers host the cloud. 

For most users, this is good news. It means you aren't bound to local servers, your personal computer or a handful of flash drives. Instead, you can access your work from any device, anywhere in the world.

Cloud computing is reimagining the way we work, both independently and together. And customer relationships management (CRM) software is no exception. 

Read on to learn how a cloud CRM can help your business grow.

A Cloud CRM Creates Company-Wide Synergy

Meetings, emails, one-pagers. Companies have all kinds of strategies for keeping employees on the same page. 

The trouble is, someone has to keep internal communications firing on all cylinders. Wouldn't it be nice if software could automate this work instead?

That's exactly when a cloud CRM comes in handy. To understand how, let's consider an example. 

A few weeks after a new product launch, your customer service staff receives a flood of messages. After a few days, a consistent narrative emerges. Customers don't fully understand one of the product's key features. The support team scrambles to help frustrated customers find their way. 

Without a cloud CRM, it could take weeks to pinpoint the source of the problem. But with the help of a cloud CRM, the support team traces the problem back to its source within hours. The issue? A sales campaign included vague wording about the feature that's now sowing confusion. 

The solution is as easy as retooling a couple of sentences. Sure enough, communication problems evaporate. Buyers are happy, and the support team can breathe easy again. 

The lesson: A cloud CRM can promote transparency and cross-departmental collaboration. Over time, this will lead to happier employees—and customers, too.

A Cloud CRM Always Stays in Sync With Other Tools

In truth, a cloud CRM can have exactly the opposite effect. When used well, cloud CRM doesn't function as s to learn a new tool? You might worry that a a cloud CRM will add another layer of unwanted complexity.

In truth, a cloud CRM can have exactly the opposite effect. When used well, a cloud CRM doesn't function as just another tool—it becomes the toolbox itself. Through smart integrations, a cloud CRM creates a framework that holds everything else together. 

This happens through smart integrations. When your cloud CRM syncs with other software, you can extract more value from your entire software ecosystem. 

Common software integrations to look for include:

  • Website features, such as appointment booking tools
  • Email programs, such as Gmail, Yahoo! and Microsoft Outlook
  • Bookkeeping software, such as Quickbooks

Adopting a cloud CRM doesn't mean giving up the systems that already work. Instead, a cloud CRM can extend those systems, making them more powerful than ever before. 

A Cloud CRM Creates a Contact Database

A cloud CRM can elevate your customer records. Along with individual customer profiles, you will be able to view your entire sales pipeline at a glance. With time, your cloud CRM will become an exhaustive database of customer interactions.

But what does that really mean in practice? The important thing to note is that working in a cloud CRM isn't like working in a static spreadsheet. Information flows into a cloud CRM in real time, automating what could be a tedious process. 

Companies that accumulate dynamic customer profiles unlock new opportunities. Two of key ways this plays out include:

  • Audience segmentation. Your customers each bring unique experiences, needs and desires to the table. That means thinking of them as a single group won't work. Instead, companies that segment their audiences can create targeted messaging that works. 

  • Building customer profiles. Every business has a group of loyal customers they know well. But there's a second group of customers, who come and go over the years. Relying on institutional knowledge alone is risky. After all, employees can leave at any time, taking their memories with them. 

Instead, a cloud CRM will build a continuous record of all customer interactions. Whether customers disappear for weeks or even years, you won't have to hunt for notes on their histories.

No matter how you look at it, a cloud CRM will support and extend your record keeping.

It's Time to Make the Leap to a Cloud CRM

In summary, a cloud CRM can streamline and support everyday activities. If you want to:

  • Create transparent, shared digital workspaces within your organization
  • Take software you already use and love to the next level
  • Gather and analyze customer data

...then you might be ready for a cloud CRM.

Want to learn more first? Download GoSite's free eGuide to get the full scoop on CRM today!