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A Quick Guide to Automated SEO for Small Businesses

SEO is critical to building visibility for your local business. What if there was a way to use automated SEO to speed things along?

6 min read

People are using mobile devices to search for local businesses like yours. And they're doing this using search engines, such as Google and Bing.

The key to being found in their search results is by optimizing your website (and business listings). In other words -- you need to use search engine optimization (or SEO).

If you're not already using this to grow your online visibility, then it's time to start. So let's dive into the world of optimization and how automated SEO can grow your digital presence.


What is SEO?

Search engine optimization is a marketing method used by businesses to get their company found in search engine results pages (SERPs).

This involves the process of researching keywords your target audience uses to find your product or service. As a local business, search terms will have a geographical area tied to it, such as: "women's shoes in Los Angeles."

You then implement these keywords into your blog content, website pages, and business listings.

In doing so, it tells Google (and other search engines) that keywords are relevant to your business and the people using them as search terms. The better you optimize, the higher your ranking will get.

Now, SEO is about more than just keywords -- it's also about engagement, views, and ratings. For instance, if you have a business listing and a blog, the two can help each other rank.

By getting more traffic to your blog using SEO, it helps to boost the listing associated with the site (make sure to include the URL in your listing). This helps to boost your listing's ranking and, in turn, more people will reach out to your business.

Then as folks leave reviews and high ratings, it'll further boost your business's listing in the directories.

While this can all be done manually, there is a way to use automated SEO.

Automated SEO


Why Use Automated SEO?

Why use anything that's automated? When you want to speed things along and still get great results, you adopt automated SEO techniques.

But what are they exactly?

Manual SEO involves people implementing on-page and off-page strategies. Automated SEO is the use of software tools that can implement these strategies for you.

Now, there are different types of automated SEO tools, which we'll get into below.


5 Popular Forms of Automated SEO

Software is taking over marketing -- this is why you now have the term MarTech bouncing around the web. These tools help to streamline your marketing so you can get more visibility and traffic for your business.

So let's take a look at five popular automated SEO tools you can use to do the same.

Keyword Analysis Tools

Finding the best keywords to use for your SEO is the difference between attracting quality or low-quality traffic. Obviously, you want the former.

There are various tools on the market that allow you to research the terms associated with your industry, brand name, and products or services. Then you can look into how they use the terms to identify their intent.

Just because someone types in "used cars" doesn't mean they're looking to buy one. Some may be looking for information on how to fix one.

Now, you can automate this process using tools like SEMrush. If you don't already know which keywords to search for in the free tools, you can use this platform to "spy" on competitors. 

For example, you insert the URL of one of your competitors and it'll pull the keywords they're ranking for. It'll generate a report showing things like:

  • Where your competitor is ranking
  • Local search volume for the keywords
  • The average cost per click for the keywords
  • Which web pages are ranking for the keyword (so you can analyze them)
  • Which keywords are seasonal

You can use this data to improve your own SEO by targeting similar keywords (and those they may be sleeping on). Just look up the keywords they're ranking for and find similar popular keywords you can tackle.

SEO automation 

Content Brief Creation Tools

Writing content around your keywords is made easier with tools that develop content briefs for you. This provides content breakdowns for the title, subheadings, and topics.

You can use this to design content that's relevant to your audience and ranks in search engines.

One example of this type of tool is MarketMuse. It will auto generate a content brief breaking down how to optimize each area of your page. This includes recommended titles and subtitles, as well as keywords to insert. 

Then once you're done writing, you can use the platform to analyze your content and suggest keywords to add to help it rank better. 

Automated Reports and Traffic Measurement

How many people are visiting your website? And what are they doing once they arrive? You can learn more about your online visitors by reviewing automated reports from analytics tools (such as Google Analytics).

This can help you to improve your content and SEO strategies to attract even more site visitors.

For instance, if you see a lot of people reading certain topics, then maybe you should produce more content on them. Or if certain pages of your site lead to a higher bounce rate, then consider removing or revamping it.

Automated Review Tools

No, this doesn't mean you're getting reviews automated for your business -- that would be cheating! Automated review tools allow you to manage the reviews you receive on your business listings.

This way, you can keep an eye on your business's reputation. If there are bad reviews, you can respond to them right away to negate the negative impact it may have on your revenue.

Automated Placement Tools

What if there was a way to get your business listed on dozens of business directories at once? Well, there is with automated placement tool.

GoSite's placement tool allows you to fill out your business profile and details once and then publish it to over 70 local business directories.

How's that for speed and automation?


Automate SEO for Your Business Using the Right Tools

Having an SEO strategy is vital if you're serious about getting found by locals in your area. As a small business, you don't have the budget to invest in billboards and television ads.

Nor should you have to rely on pay-per-click ads to get more foot traffic into your store.

With automated SEO, you can get the tools you need at an affordable price.

GoSite's placement tool is one you should consider to get your listings created and ranked faster.

Ready to improve your local SEO? Then download our free eGuide to Get Started with Local Search!


Does Your Business Need a Website?
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