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10 Effective Advertising Techniques You Should Try

With so many ads out there, it's tough for small businesses to compete. Here are 10 powerful and inexpensive advertising strategies you can use. 

GoSite Team
6 min read

As a small business owner, marketing and advertising can seem like an intimidating and even expensive aspect of growing a business. You might not have the cash flow just yet to hire an agency or a full-time marketing employee, but you know you need to start somewhere to get your products and services noticed. 

Luckily, some advertising techniques don’t require a lot of insider knowledge, are easy to implement, and can be relatively inexpensive. Below, we list a few of the most effective strategies you can try at any budget and stage of your business to help increase potential leads

For more marketing tips and discussions, be sure to subscribe to our bi-weekly newsletter and podcast! 

1. Establish an Emotional Appeal

coffee shop owners looking at an ipad on the counter.

Establishing an emotional appeal or connection to your business is easier than you might think. Start by thinking of why you opened your business in the first place. 

Did personal circumstances lead you to open your business? Were you trying to find a solution for a problem or group of people? Did a person or event inspire the idea of your business? Were you trying to continue or grow a family business or tradition?

Think about these questions and write a concise but powerful story on your website, social media bios, and even paid ads if appropriate.

2. Humanize Your Business

More and more consumers are looking for small and local businesses to support. 70% of consumers are choosing to shop small and support local businesses over big-box retailers and chains. 

An easy angle you can take advantage of is the fact that your business does not operate like a corporate, well-oiled machine. 

Attract consumers looking to shop small by humanizing your business. You can do this by:

  • Showing behind-the-scenes of your products or services. 
  • Being transparent about how a single booking or purchase keeps your business going. 
  • Sharing customer testimonials or client relationships. 
  • Showing how you’re an active member of your community. 
  • Sharing photos of you and your team.

3. Work with Local Influencers

local food bloggers taking photos of a pastry.

People don’t need to have a large following to have influence. Whether you work with a local food blogger, a community leader, or create an ambassador program, having a few people endorse your business can help you establish recognition in your area. 

You can facilitate this process by starting an affiliate program or providing discounted or free services and products. 

4. Share Facts and Data

Use statistics, facts, and examples to show the benefits of your products or services. Whether you own a spa, an auto shop, or a mobile cleaning business, there’s data out there you can use that speaks to the value of booking your services. 

You can also combine the bandwagon effect with this technique by sharing customer stories and examples that mention any benefits experienced after using your products or services. 

5. Use the Bandwagon Effect

friends having coffee at a local cafe.

Have you ever heard of FOMO (fear of missing out) marketing? This tactic involves tapping into our fear that others may be having good experiences in our absence. In fact, research shows that 7 out of 10 millennials experience FOMO

Brainstorm a few campaign ideas or ad messaging that speaks to this fear and make prospective customers feel like they’d be missing out on your incredible services and offers. 

Some examples of messaging you can use: 

  • Don’t miss out on [CITY]’s favorite [PRODUCT/SERVICE]!
  • See why everyone’s talking about [SERVICE] and book your appointment today! 
  • X% of people have [ACTION]. Experience the benefits of [SERVICE] for yourself and book a consultation at [LINK].

6. Post User-Generated Content

Sharing user-generated content and customer testimonials is another tried-and-true tactic you can use that is both cost effective and compelling. In fact, nearly 80% of customers trust online reviews just as much as personal recommendations. 

In addition to customer testimonials, share before and after photos of your work, videos of the results of your products and services, and tutorials created by your customers. Add this content to your mobile marketing strategy, website, social media channels, and Google My Business updates.

Pro-Tip: Be sure to obtain permission from your customers to use the content on your channels before posting. 

7. Create Helpful Content

No one knows your products and services more than you. Help leads convert by creating content that shows your process, answers frequently asked questions, and helps them make the most out of your product or service. 

You can also build trust by sharing tutorials, printable checklists and calendars, and tips. 

Here are some examples: 

  • Auto repair: Create a car maintenance calendar.
  • Hairstylist: Share a tutorial on how to prolong hair color. 
  • Accounting: Answer the most frequently asked questions about filing taxes.

8. Offer Rewards and Discounts

woman shopping on her phone.

This one may be obvious, but small business owners often miss out on the benefits of sending out personalized rewards and discounts. With the right software, you can send custom messages with offers and promotions based on your customer’s past purchases and preferences. 

Don’t forget to set up a loyalty program to keep your customers engaged with your business.

9. Find the Right Partnerships

Partner with another business for cross-promotional opportunities. This can be a lucrative win-win scenario as you’ll be able to tap into each other’s customer base. 

We recommend choosing a business that complements your products or services such as:

  • Cleaning and landscaping businesses.
  • Nail and hair salons.
  • Auto detailing and repair shops.
  • Photography business and stationery store.

10. Build a Self-Serving Website

Finally, ensure you capture and make the most out of your advertising by directing traffic to a beautiful, self-serving website. Your website should allow your customers to find, book, pay, and review your services fully on their own. 

If you’re ready to cut down on the busy work and manage your business from the palm of your hand, sign up below to start your 14-day free trial.

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