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5 Best Website Design Tips (and Trends) for 2020

Written by GoSite | Mar 2, 2020 3:00:00 PM

Your website is your business's first impression.

And guess what?

It takes only five seconds for visitors to form an opinion about your site (and brand). So the question you have to ask yourself is, what do your visitors think about your website?

Today's consumers are using the internet to research products before they buy. If they come across your website in the process, you want to ensure you're converting as many of them as you can.

You can't do that if you're working with a site with a poor UX (user experience), outdated templates, and an in-accessible design.

But it's not the end of the world. You still have time to implement the best website design tips in 2020.

Let's take a look.

Take a Mobile-First Approach

How often do you use your desktop to search online? If you own a smartphone or tablet, then it's likely not that often.

Now, it's important to point out tablets because they've been a bit neglected in the mobile-first initiative. Most web designs cater to full-size desktop monitors and smaller smartphone screens.

And just to demonstrate the severity of the mobile-first trend:

Fifty-seven percent of mobile users won't recommend a site that isn't optimized for mobile. Word of mouth is everything for a small business, even on the web.

Then if they decide to drag your business through the virtual mud in a Google review, your business's reputation will be on thin ice. So don't let this best website design tip slip through the cracks.

Secure Your Website

Data breaches are the worst. But if it can happen to a major brand like Home Depot, then it can happen to anyone.

Securing your website is vital, whether you're processing online transactions or collecting email addresses.

Consumers will know if your site isn't secure by looking at your URL. If you have HTTP:// instead of HTTPS://, then this is a dead giveaway.

Also, if you decide to accept payments online, then it's recommended to use a trusted payment processor like GoSite Payments.

Opt for a Minimalist Web Design

Tablets and smartphones are becoming more powerful, enabling users to perform all sorts of tasks on these miniature devices. So it's no surprise that nearly half (48.7%) of all web browsing traffic comes from mobile devices.

Why does this matter for your website design?

Because how you design your site will determine if it's suitable for mobile users. 

One issue smartphone users have with websites is that they contain too much content. Scrolling too much isn't appealing to users, especially for those who have short attention spans.

With this best website design tip, you want to focus on adding lots of white space, skimmable content, and organized categories. Minimalist designs are simple in color and layout and don't contain distractions that can drive visitors away from your content.

Add Chatbots to Your Website

What does a consumer love more than a great deal? A great experience.

In fact, 84% of consumers say that experiences are more important than the product or service offered.

Now, you have brands across all industries, debating what it means to have an excellent customer experience (CX). There are several recurring themes behind CX, such as website UX and creating engaging, but helpful content.

However, one area that's overlooked is customer service. As a small business, you may not have the funds to invest in a full-time customer support team.

And thanks to advancements in technology, you won't have to. Chatbots are powered by artificial intelligence and can help your small business offer 24-7 customer service.

Now, you may be thinking that a robot can't appease your human audience. If you're targeting millennials, then we beg to differ.

Roughly 70% of millennials report positive experiences with chatbots.

Start Collecting Data Using a CRM

Big data is a new form of currency that businesses can use to grow their revenue. The problem is most small business owners lack the tools to help them do that.

With a CRM (customer relationship management) tool, you can gather valuable data about your customers and use it to develop meaningful relationships with them.

For example, you can use a CRM to connect with customers via email (or text) and maintain contact with them. Now that consumers demand personalized experiences with brands, you can use this to your advantage.

Sending out personalized offers based on a customer's past purchases is an excellent way to meet the demand and boost your sales.

Create Your Best Website Design in 2020

Don't worry -- you need to have coding knowledge to use these best website design tips. Not when you have access to best website builder for small business.

With this tool, you can develop a website that resonates with your brand and its audience. Just drag and drop the elements you want, wherever you want them.

The customization features will allow you to make the site design your own.

Ready to see how it works? Then try it for free today!